nap time joys.

being a mom changes things, a lot of things actually lol, but ill stick to just one subject right now.. quiet time 😉

So very quickly I have realized how much joy i get from nap time. If I’m exhausted ( “if” hahaa) then that is my chance to recharge and get a mom break. For a good hour, i don’t have to change diapers, I don’t have to clean up messes, scream “no”, chase a toddler who doesn’t want a diaper, find the lost binkie, save her from falling, make food, or juggle everything while holding her (if she’s in that mood…lol) I get to feel human. I can make a pot of coffee and actually drink it hot, which is such a miracle around here. I usually try and get a little reading in during her nap, then finish all the housework etc. Today I was talking with God and the thought came to me “What if God doesn’t think that me getting up early in the morning is a sacrifice like I do?”  eeeeek. I stopped dead in my tracks and had to really think about that. As busy humans, we go through our day subconsciously thinking “wow, God is going to appreciate this sacrifice..” when really, isn’t it a privilege? I usually am not able to get to bed until pretty late, but i have been getting up early (like 7am) the past month or so, to get in a good solid couple hours of alone time with God. I am able to read, journal, pray, a sit in silence downstairs..while i know the baby will sleep for a couple more hours. & honestly, I’ve fallen in love with it. It all started when i was complaining to Isaiah that “Im positive I have Chronic Exhaustion” and he laughed at me, but I was so serious. I wasn’t able to  open my eyes in the morning without being exhausted, I would nap and still felt like i couldn’t function, i couldn’t get anything done around the house & I was way to tired to sit there and read the Old Testament. I prayed and asked God to heal me of it because I was so tired of feeling tired, feeling like a lazy christian, feeling weak and horrible about myself…and then, i stumbled upon this scripture & knew He was speaking to me, “They all fool and defraud each other; no one tells the truth. With practiced tongue they tell lies; they wear themselves out with all their sinning”-Jeremiah 9:5. So obviously the first part of the scripture doesn’t apply to me, but when i read that they wear them selves out with all their sinning…it hit me, that I am sinning! By putting God on the back burner and doing everything else in life besides reading his word-I AM SINNING. I was so exhausted from party planning, traveling, planning, parenting, cleaning that I put reading His word last, and that is exactly why I was exhausted. Is the bible food? Does food give you energy? so obviously, without reading we will feel weak and tired. I made up my mind that day that no matter what the night before looked like (sleep or lack there of) I would get up and make God a first priority. & it has been amazing! I have energy, I can take care of everything that needs to be done with Joy & a peace in my heart. This whole conversation this morning with God about getting up early in the morning being  sacrifice made me realize that me BEING ABLE TO get up early in the morning and spend time with God is a GIFT. How can we call spending time with God a “sacrifice?”, if we love someone we spend time with them because we want to, not we have to. I had to catch myself because I would find myself thinking “this is a sacrifice, God will be proud” and He would stop me,  “why can’t you do those things just because you love me?” which challenges me, do i love God? or do i love the idea of a relationship with God?? I choose to spend time with Him, just like some people CHOOSE to sleep in, or play on social media all day. Choices are choices but by putting God first, you’ll find energy, peace and fulfillment.  I can continue to ramble on, but I’ll save that for another post.

Energy comes from God alone. HE MUST be your first thought in the morning, number one priority & only desire. Actions will prove it.


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