Be in the moment. 

While sitting in an airplane, with a toddler sprawled out almost snoring on my lap, my husband dead asleep next to me, I am almost brought to tears. Not because the fact that I’m exhausted or mentally drained, been running on no sleep && not stopping for a breather, but because God is good. No really, He’s good. To know that he saw this moment, before I could even dream of it, makes me weak. He’s with me, he loves me. My crazy as I call it ‘momma mind’ likes to stress, snap, get emotional and overwhelmed,  but to know that God is with me every breath, it calms me. While we were sitting on the plane about to take off, I saw a picture (probably taken 4 min before this moment) of the baby sitting on her dads lap, that I just took… And it hit me Like a brick- I’ll never get that moment back. Sounds pretty sappy and emotional but the true reality of how fast life really goes hit me in that one moment. Every breath is truly precious! It’s kinda eerie being in an airport (or a busy place for that matter) because EVERYONE is on their phones and life just swiftly passes them by… I could sit and watch people act like complete zombies for hours and not even pay attention to the needs of others, not be social, not enjoy life or human contact lol & that completely saddens me. Moments pass so quickly and God has so many plans & opportunities for lives, but this whole generation of “media addicted” people is heart breaking. Life is real, not your snapchats, 20 selfies, written& deleted& perfected posts etc. I live a good life & I’m so thankful I’m in the moment of everyday, especially with my child. My life isn’t made up, dolled up or added to for social media purposes… My child has her moments, my house isn’t always cleaned, I’m not a hipster & we aren’t millionaires. God has blessed me and im thankful he’s revealed how precious life is before I let it pass me by. Oh, and I’m totally soaking up all this sweet sweettttt baby snuggles. Embrace the moment. Be thankful for the breath that you get. 

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