He’s Listening!

During my reading the other morning, I came across this scripture and it has been stuck in my brain, on repeat ever since..

“O Lord, you hear the desire of the afflicted; you will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed…” -Psalm 10:17-18

You know when you read the bible, and suddenly you get that lightbuld “wow” kinda thought? well thats what happened with this one. I could not get over “YOU HEAR THE DESIRE OF THE AFFLICTED”  God has his ear towards us all the time! Whenever our heart is troubled, it’s saddened, we are upset or frustrated- God PHYSICALLY hears it! God is so great that no matter what we are doing though He already is aware of it. I mean, when we pray…yeah we tell God how we feel/what we want/what needs to change (lol) but to know that those deep areas of your heart that you dont even talk about-the little things that you desire, the small things that are making you upset or worried- GOD can phsyically hear them! There is so many times in my life that I feel like “well, maybe I shouldn’t pray for that…” but then it just somehow happens without even me saying a word….uh thanks GOD! (good lookin out hahaa) It’s an amazing feeling to know that God will always know what I desire, what I need, what I want that I dont ask for etc. He knows every detail about us because he created us. HE will strengthen us, replenish our spirit, and satisfy our every desire…all we have to do is be open & real with him. There is no greater relationship than one with our Heavenly Father 🙂

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