lacking bread

fyi: this blog is about a revelation I personally got on a scipture-not it’s biblical meaning



“Better to be lowly and have a servant than to

play the GREAT MAN and lack BREAD”

-Proverbs 12:9


How many times in life do we “play the great man?” How many times do we think that we are better than we really are? How many times do we hold ourselves on these high pedastools, yet our life doesn’t match up?

When I first read this, I instantly knew “you’re lacking bread alyssa…” It is SO EASY to PLAY the great man; play it off like everthing is ok, act like you are strong/in control or that you are better than everyone/or everything. The reality is, we are all broken, we are all needing a Savior, we are all looking for love & needing prayer for something. Have you ever been in a place where you “havent read or prayed in a few days” and all of a sudden you are in a situation talking about God or praying for someone, and your “lack of bread” totally shows through?? I have! When I say lack of bread I mean: lack of knowledge, lack of time in the word, lack of time spent with Jesus (the bread of life-John 6:35), lack of HUNGER for God/the bible, lack of “being full of God” etc.  When you are lacking any area of God, you can only play it off as the “great man” for a short amount of time. The greatest men/women of God we see sadly fall into sin all the time, because of these small areas of their lives that “lacked bread” (lacked JESUS). There are areas of life, that quickly get covered with a good front and pretty face..and never really get brought to the surface for change until it is too late. I know in my life I am constantly (everyday) telling myself “spend more time with God” which it is a huge fight for my flesh & spirit..because as much as my spirit wants to sit and read my bible (and have some peace lol) I look at my daily life and there is sooooo many things to do that take up my time & it is super hard for me to stop doing & just refocus. That for me, is one huge area that I know “lacks bread” and needs more attention. Yeah I’m not in hidden sin, nor do I do anything unholy that would taint my relationship with God/ or that I would be scared to tell anyone…but that’s not the point…when I don’t spend quality time with Jesus, I can’t get filled up to handle the day and all day long  I will be “lacking a little bit of Jesus”. When I encounter someone, I want my life to scream “I love Jesus” and not “I’m not where I need to be, am I playing it off ok?” 

 It is better to be lowly with Jesus, than a great actor “playing” the role of a great man/woman of God. Be honest with where you are. Be determined to never                      “lack the bread of life”



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